Slobodna radna mesta
JNKE for Deinstitutionalization 2_deadline, December 31, 2024.docx
SNKE Labour Market Analysis Expert_deadline, November 26, 2024.docx
SNKE C2 Trainer_deadline, 21st November, 2024.docx
Electrical Engineer_deadline, November 8, 2024.docx
Communication and Visibility (PR) Expert_deadline, November 8, 2024.docx
IPA III Procedures – FIDIC Contract Management Claim Expert_deadline, November 8, 2024.docx
SNKE C1 FIDIC Contract Management and Legal Expert_deadline, November 8, 2024.docx
SNKE - ISCED-13 F Expert_deadline, October 22, 2024.docx
SNKE - Expert in capacity building of business representatives_deadline, October 22, 2024.docx
SNKE - Expert in AE Quality Assurance System_deadline, October 22, 2024.docx
SNKE - Expert for system placement of RPL and quality assurance of the validation process (in AE)_deadline, October 22,2024.docx
JNKE Key Competences Expert_deadline, October 22, 2024.docx
JNKE - Expert in AE quality assurance system_deadline, October 22, 2024.docx
SNKE - Social partnership Expert_deadline, October 22, 2024.docx
SNKE for providing on-the-spot support for the organisation and implementation of the study visit for the relevant actors in the field of employment to selected EU Member State – Italy_deadline, September 30, 2024.docx
JNKE for conducting an analysis of the preconditions for further decentralization of employment policy and development of innovative solutions through LEAPs and provide an overview of possible solutions_deadline, September 16, 2024.docx
JNKE for organisation of training for the NES staff working as trainers (work with employers; work with difficult clients; training in counselling skills)_deadline, September 16, 2024.docx
SNKE for organisation of training for the NES staff working as trainers (work with employers; work with difficult clients; training in counselling skills)_deadline, September 16, 2024.docx
Geomechanical Engineer_deadline September 13, 2024.docx
IPA III Procedures Expert_deadline, September 13, 2024.docx
Institutional Expert_deadline, September 13, 2024.docx
Structural Engineer_deadline, September 13, 2024.docx
SNKE C1 Solid Waste Expert_deadline, September 13, 2024.docx
Procurement Expert_deadline September 13, 2024.docx
Road Engineer_deadline, September 13, 2024.docx
SNKE - Qualifications Framework Expert_deadline, August 30, 2024.pdf
SNKE - Expert for training of adults_deadline, August 30, 2024.pdf
SNKE - Key Competences Expert_deadline, August 30, 2024.pdf
JNKE - Capacity building support – TNA expert_deadline, July 9, 2024.pdf
SNKE - Legal Expert_deadline, July 9, 2024.pdf
SNKE - Institutional and Capacity Building Expert_deadline, July 9, 2024.pdf
SNKE - Waste management system planning Expert_deadline, July 9, 2024.pdf
SNKE - Financial and Tariff modelling Expert_deadline, July 9, 2024.pdf
SNKE for providing on-the-spot support for the organisation and implementation of the study visit for the relevant actors in the field of employment to selected EU countries – Slovakia and Austria_deadline, May 31, 2024.docx
JNKE for mapping relevant actors in the field of ALMP – stage 2_deadline, March 28, 2024.docx
JNKE for organising trainings for NES employment counsellors for the application of an individualized approach to unemployed and training for other actors in the field of active labour market policy in line with the identified training needs_deadline, March 28, 2024.docx
JNKE - Organisational Expert_deadline, March 22, 2024.docx
JNKE - IT audit Expert_deadline, March 22, 2024.docx
SNKE - Organisational and Business Strategy Expert_deadline, March 22, 2024.docx
JNKE for conducting an analysis of the effects of ALMPs implemented through LEAPs with emphasis on targeting and employment outcomes with recommendations for improvement_deadline, March 22, 2024.docx
SNKE for conducting an analysis of the effects of ALMP s implemented through LEAP s with emphasis on targeting and employment outcomes with recommendations for improvement_deadline, March 22, 2024.docx
JNKE for preparing recommendations for enhancement of monitoring and tracking system of ALMPs participants and establishment and development of YG monitoring framework_deadline, March 15, 2024.docx
JNKE for providing support in i) mapping the needs for training/capacity building of LSG s and their respective Local Employment Councils and based on the mapping results develop capacity building plan; ii) organising training for LSGs to better map local labour market needs, identify hard to employ groups, design, and monitor and evaluate ALMPs through LEAP, and iii) providing mentoring support to LSGs in planning and designing LEAPs, primarily targeting underperforming LSGs_deadline, March 8, 2024.docx
JNKE - Providing support in conducting an analysis of the preconditions for the introduction of training vouchers_deadline, February 12, 2024.docx
SNKE - Providing expertise and support towards increasing the knowledge of BIs on ESF+ including institutional mechanisms and management systems_deadline, February 12, 2024.docx
SNKE - Providing of on-the-job support towards enhancing the capacity of the MoLEVSA and NES to meet the obligations streaming from EU negotiation process, in particular Chapter 19_deadline, Februrary 12, 2024.docx
SNKE for conducting analysis of the post-placement support available at the EU level, possible providers, guidelines and recommendations for its introduction and analyses on how employment policy is implemented in the EU member states, including mapping the dynamic between policy making and implementing levels, communication between PES central office and local branches, role of CSOs and other relevant actors in the field of employment and present results to BIs_deadline February 12, 2024.docx
SNKE Legal Expert_deadline, February 2nd, 2024.docx
SNKE Labour Market Analysis Expert_deadline, February 2nd, 2024.docx
SNKE Communication and Visibility Expert_deadline, February 2nd, 2024.docx
JNKE Expert for Labour Market 2_deadline, February 2nd, 2024.docx
JNKE Expert for Labour Market 1_deadline February 2nd, 2024.docx
JNKE for analysis of the current practices of NES’ cooperation with employers and organisation of trainings for NES employees on the topic of cooperation with employers_deadline, December 6th, 2023.docx
SNKE IT Security and IT Strategy Expert_deadline, November 30th, 2023.docx
SNKE IT Infrastructure and Quality Control Hardware Expert_deadline, November 30th, 2023.docx
JNKE IT Infrastructure / Security Expert_deadline, November 30th, 2023.docx
SNKE Legal/Policy Expert for Customs Import System and Customs Guarantees (Senior Non-Key Expert)_deadline, October 5th, 2023, 02.docx
SNKE Legal/Policy Expert for Customs Export System and Customs Decision System (Senior Non-Key Expert)_deadline, October 5th, 2023, 01.docx
JNKE Legal/Policy Expert for Customs Import System and Customs Decisions (Junior Non-Key Expert)_deadline, October 5th, 2023.docx
JNKE for analysis of the current practices of NES’ cooperation with employers and organisation of trainings for NES employees on the topic of cooperation with employers_deadline, October 3rd, 2023.docx
SNKE for analysis of the current practices of NES’ cooperation with employers and organisation of trainings for NES employees on the topic of cooperation with employers_deadline, October 3rd, 2023.docx
JNKE for preparing recommendations for enhancement of monitoring and tracking system of ALMPs participants and establishment and development of YG monitoring framework_deadline, October 3rd, 2023.docx
SNKE for preparing recommendations for enhancement of monitoring and tracking system of ALMPs participants and establishment and development of YG monitoring framework_deadine, October 3rd, 2023.docx
JNKE for assessing the employment services, Individual Employment Plan and improvement of the profiling of unemployed persons_deadline, August 10th, 2023.docx
SNKE for mapping relevant actors in the field of ALMP_deadline, August 10th, 2023.docx
JNKE for supporting the development of YG Piloting plan_deadline, August 10th, 2023.docx
SNKE for supporting the development of YG Piloting plan_deadline, August 10th, 2023.docx
SNKE for developing a model for outreaching NEET_deadline, August 4th, 2023 (02).docx
SNKE for developing a model for outreaching NEET_deadline, August 4th, 2023 (01).docx
JNKE for developing a model for outreaching NEET_deadline, August 4th, 2023.docx
JNKE_Communication and PR Expert_deadline August 2nd, 2023.docx
SNKE_Quality Control Software Expert_deadline August 1st, 2023.docx
JNKE_Quality Control Software Expert_deadline August 1st, 2023.docx
Language Assistant to the RTA_deadline, August 18th, 2023.docx
Language Assistant to the RTA_deadline, May 9th, 2023.docx
Assistant to the RTA_deadline, May 9th, 2023.docx
SNKE - Legal expert for the MA_deadline, February 06th.docx
SNKE Hydrotechnical Design Expert_deadline, December 21st.docx
SNKE Hydrogeologist_deadline, December 21st.docx
SNKE_ LEADER Approval of applications DAP_deadline, December 5th.docx
SNKE Hydrotechnical Design Expert_deadline, October 28th.docx
SNKE_AEM OTSC expert DAP_deadline, October 24th, 2022.docx
JNKE_ AEM expert DAP - Deadline September, 26th 2022.docx
JNKE_ LEADER expert DAP_deadline, 16th September.docx
SNKE_OTSC Leader expert DAP_deadline, 16th September.docx
SNKE_AEM Paying agency expert DAP_deadline, 1st September.docx
SNKE_ LEADER Payment authorization DAP_deadline, 1st September.docx
Junior Non-Key expert - Fishery sector expert DAP_deadline, 11th August.docx
Junior Non-Key expert - OTSC Fishery sector expert DAP01_deadline, 11th August.docx
ToR Junior NKE for AEM programing_deadline, July 21st, 2022.docx
ToR SNKE - Electrical Design Expert_deadline, July 20th, 2022.docx
Senior Non-key expert - PRAG expert for the MA_deadline July 8th.docx
Senior Non-key expert - AEM programming_deadline, 24th June.docx
Language Assistant to the RTA_deadline, 12th June 2022.docx
Assistant to the RTA_deadline, 12th June 2022.docx
Senior Non-Key Expert, Leader programming expert_deadline, 27th May 2022.docx
Language Assistant to the RTA_deadline, 25th May 2022.docx
Assistant to the RTA_25th May 2022.docx
Junior NKE - Programing expert in cereals and industrial crops_deadline,12th May 2022.docx
Senior Non-Key Expert for Visibility, Communication and Dissemination_deadline, 14th April 2022.docx
Junior Non-Key Expert for Web Administration and web management_deadline, 14th April 2022.docx
Junior Non-Key Expert for Social Media management_deadline, 14th April 2022.docx
Junior Non-Key Expert for Graphic Design_deadline, 14th April 2022.docx
Senior NKE - Capital Market Development advisor_deadline, 7th April.docx
Senior NKE - Expert in Investment Rural Development measures_deadline, 11th April 2022.docx
Junior NKE - Programing expert in Fishery_deadline, 7th April 2022.docx
Senior Electrical engineer - deadline, March 25th 2022.pdf
ToR SNKE for Trainer Public procurement_deadline March 18th, 2022 .docx
ToR SNKE for Trainer PRAG procurement_deadline March 18th, 2022 .docx
ToR SNKE for Trainer Implementation of donor funded projects_deadline March 18th, 2022 .docx
ToR SNKE for Trainer PRAG procurement_deadline March 18th, 2022 .docx
ToR SNKE for Trainer Implementation of donor funded projects_deadline March 18th, 2022 .docx
Senior Non-key expert on Project Component II_deadline 11th March 2022.docx
Senior Non-Key Expert for support to implementation and coordination of CB activities (3 positions)_deadline March 11th 2022.docx
Senior Water and Sewerage Expert - deadline 8 March 2022.pdf
Junior Water and Sewerage Expert - deadline 8 March 202.pdf
Senior Non-Key Expert – Road/Landscaping Expert_deadline, 7th February 2022.docx
Senior Non-Key Expert for Project Preparation, Electrical Design Expert_deadline, 7th February 2022 .docx
Senior Non-Key Expert – Geologist_deadline, 29th November,2021.docx
Senior Non- Key Expert – Hydrogeologist_deadline, 29th November,2021.docx
Senior Non-Key Expert – Mechanical HVAC expert_deadline, 29th November,2021.docx
Senior Non-Key Expert – Environmental protection analyst_deadline, 29th November,2021.docx
Junior Non-Key Expert – Mining engineer_deadline, 29th November,2021.docx
Project Assistant to the Resident Twinning Advisor_deadline, 21st December 2021.pdf
Language Assistant to the Resident Twinning Advisor_deadline, 21st December 2021.pdf
Senior Non-Key Geodetic Survey Expert for PPF Project_deadline 24th October, 2021.docx
Senior Non-Key Experts in the area of State Aid_deadline 25th October, 2021 .pdf
Senior NKE - Hydrotechnical design expert _PPF project _deadline, 23th August 2021.pdf
Senior NKE - Water supply and sanitation _PPF project _deadline, 23th August 2021.pdf
Senior NKE - survey engineer - PPF project - deadline 19-Aug-2021.pdf
Senior NKE - Architect _PPF project _deadline, 13th August 2021.pdf
Senior Non-Key Experts in the area of State aid_deadline 6th August, 2021.doc
Senior Non-Key Finance Expert_project TA Support to Active Youth Inclusion_deadline 25th July, 2021.pdf
RE-ADVERTISEMENT _ RTA Language Assistant_ Reinforcement of consumer protection_deadline, 26th July 2021.pdf
RE-ADVERTISEMENT _ RTA Assistant_ Reinforcement of consumer protection_deadline, 26th July 2021.pdf
Call for Assessors_ Innovation Fund_PEER REVIEWERS IPA 2018_Clarification No.1.pdf
RTA Language Assistant for the project SoHo system_deadline, 21st June 2021.pdf
RTA Assistant for the project SoHo system_deadline, 21st June 2021.pdf
Call for Assessors_ Innovation Fund_deadline 20th July,
Senior NKE - Water Supply and Sewerage design _PPF project _deadline, 26th May 2021.pdf
Senior NKE - Road - Landscaping expert _PPF project _deadline, 26th May 2021.docx
Senior NKE - ICT SCADA _PPF project _deadline, 26th May 2021.docx
Senior NKE - Electrical Design _PPF project _deadline, 26th May 2021.docx
Senior NKE - Mechanical Expert _PPF project _deadline, 26th May 2021.docx
Senior NKE - Fire Protection _PPF project _deadline, 26th May 2021.docx
Senior NKE - Architect _PPF project _deadline, 26th May 2021.docx
Senior Non-Key Expert - Water Institutional Expert_deadline, 17th May 2021.pdf
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