
Strengthening national institutional capacities in the field of Substance of Human Origin (SoHO) to improve the safety of blood in transfusion and transplantation

, 26 October 2017

This Twinning light project is financed by the European Union and co-financed by the Republic of Serbia and it is implemented in partnership between Ministry of Health of Republic of Serbia and Ministry of Health of Republic of Croatia. The expected duration of the project is 6 months and the main goal of the project is to strengthen institutional framework in the area of transfusion and transplantation medicine in Republic of Serbia.Strengthening of capacities will lead to improvement of quality and safety in the field of Substance of Human Origins (organs, tissues, cells, blood) in order to ensure the highest possible level of protection of public health. This is the first Twinning light project implemented by Croatian institution as Member State partner. Experts from Croatian Ministry of Health are joined by renowned Croatian and Spanish experts in the area of transfusion and transplantation medicine from various institutions (blood and tissue banks, hospitals) in transfer of knowledge and support to their Serbian counterparts.

The implementation of the project has started on 31 August 2017. The activities implemented so far have included analysis of gaps and needs of the Directorate of Biomedicine of the Serbian Ministry of Health as well as other stakeholders in the area of Substance of Human Origins in order to achieve compliance with the EU requirements, practices and legislation. At the opening ceremony Mr. Ferenc Vicko, State Secretary, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia, H.E. Mr. Gordan Bakota, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia, Ms. Mirela Bušić, Project Leader and National Transplant Coordinator, Institute for Transplantation and Biomedicine, Ministry of Health, Republic of Croatia and Ms. Nada Vasiljević, Assistant Director of the Directorate for biomedicine, Ministry of Health of Republic of Serbia have addressed to the participants.

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