- Radovi
Reconstruction and adaptation works of selected public buildings across Serbia
Referenca: NEAR/BEG/2023/EA-LOP/0196
Datum otvaranja: 29. novembar 2023. Datum zatvaranja: 31. januar 2024
- Contract Notice.pdf29/11/2023
- Additional information about the contract notice.pdf29/11/2023
- TD Volume V - 1.7z29/11/2023
- TD Volume V - 2.7z29/11/2023
- TD Volume I - IV.7z29/11/2023
- Corrigendum no. 1 to the Contract Notice.docx28/12/2023
- Corrigendum no. 1 to the Additional information about the contract notice.docx28/12/2023
- Corrigendum no. 1 to the Tender Dossier.docx28/12/2023
- Clarifications no. 1 (Q&A).pdf23/01/2024
- Minutes of the meeting.pdf23/01/2024
- Cancellation Notice.pdf05/03/2024