- Grantovi
- TAIB - I komponenta
Work Programme for Grants - National Programme for Republic of Serbia under the IPA – Transition Assistance and Institution Building Component for 2013
of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, represented by the Ministry of Finance, Department for Contracting and Financing of EU Funded Programmes (CFCU)
1. Basic act and/or Financing source
Council Regulation (EC) No 1085/2006 of 17 July 2006 establishing an Instrument for Pre-Accession assistance (IPA)
National Programme for Republic of Serbia under the IPA – Transition Assistance and Institution Building Component for 2013
2. Objectives of the programme, priorities for 2014 and expected results
a) Creating a Comprehensive Research and Development (R&D) and Supporting Innovation and Technology Transfer
The overall objective is to strengthen the role of public sector in creating preconditions for modernisation and growth of Serbian economy by focusing, among others, on R&D and innovation capacities and cooperation. Also to create a strategic framework for R&D and innovation, and promoting cooperation between research institutions and private sector in order to build research and strengthen SME capacities to innovate and increase (business) investments in R&D.
The specific objective of this project is to increase investment in research and innovation.
Expected results:
Enhanced system for supporting innovation and technology transfer:
- Adopting and implementing technology transfer practices by the Innovation Support Organizations (ISO) and/or R&D organisations;
- Technologies transferred by R&D organizations;
- New products or services developed;
- Adopting and implementing the R&D and Innovation Strategy and Action Plan;
- Adopting and implementing the Infrastructure Roadmap and Action Plan.
b) Development of Effective Community Services in the Area of Education and Social Welfare at the Local Level
The overall objective is to contribute to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth for the Republic of Serbia by building a more knowledgeable and skilled labour force, improving social protection policies and promoting the social inclusion of vulnerable populations, enabling greater opportunities for a better standard of living in alignment with the targets set forth by the Europe 2020 Strategy.
The specific objective is to advance social inclusion and reintegration of marginalized and vulnerable populations through enhancing education and social welfare measures and effective community services, with particular focus on drop-out reduction, family care and access to justice for children.
Expected results:
Social inclusion and poverty reduction of vulnerable and multiply disadvantaged groups with particular emphasis on children, the elderly, persons with disabilities and income support users:
- Support to social inclusion of the most vulnerable and multiply disadvantaged groups provided through high quality and innovative community-based social services and social business initiatives;
- Social welfare system strengthened and mechanisms developed to ensure the highest quality and cost-effectiveness in providing social services and financial support, and quality protection of children guaranteeing two systems, justice and social welfare, act ‘in the best interests of the child;
- Inter-sectoral measures for decreasing early school leaving and drop-out prevention designed and implemented at local level;
- Capacities of stakeholders in the fields of education and social protection strengthened to plan, implement and monitor drop-out prevention measures at central and local level.
3. Eligibility conditions
a) Creating a Comprehensive Research and Development (R&D) and Supporting Innovation and Technology Transfer
Actions must take place in Republic of Serbia.
Contracting Authority will sign a contract with the Innovation Fund (direct grant).
b) Development of Effective Community Services in the Area of Education and Social Welfare at the Local Level
Actions must take place in Republic of Serbia.
The applicants will be legal persons, non-profit making, specific types of organisations such as: non-governmental organisations, public sector operators, local authorities, international (inter-governmental) organisations.
Co-applicant(s) must satisfy the eligibility criteria as applicable to the applicant himself.
Affiliated entity(ies) must satisfy respectively the eligibility criteria as applicable to the applicant and to the co-applicant(s).
4. Selection and award criteria
The evaluation will be carried out in accordance with the procedures set out in the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EU external actions.
5. Maximum rate of European Union financing
a) Creating a Comprehensive Research and Development (R&D) and Supporting Innovation and Technology Transfer
The maximum rate of Community co-financing is 54.5% of eligible expenditure.
b) Development of Effective Community Services in the Area of Education and Social Welfare at the Local Level
The maximum rate of Community co-financing is 90% of eligible expenditure.
6. Indicative time-schedule of calls for proposals
a) Creating a Comprehensive Research and Development (R&D) and Supporting Innovation and Technology Transfer
The indicative date for award of the decision falls in the 3rd quarter of 2014.
b) Development of Effective Community Services in the Area of Education and Social Welfare at the Local Level
The indicative date of call for proposals falls in the 4th quarter of 2014.
7. Indicative amount of calls for proposals
a) Creating a Comprehensive Research and Development (R&D) and Supporting Innovation and Technology Transfer
EUR 4.400.000,00
b) Development of Effective Community Services in the Area of Education and Social Welfare at the Local Level
EUR 5.500.000,00