- Radovi
- TAIB - I komponenta
The Construction of the Building for emergency Services in Novi Pazar Health Centre and the Finishing the Construction of a New Block within Vranje Hospital
Referenca: EuropeAid/138746/ID/WKS/RS
Datum otvaranja: 3. februar 2017. Datum zatvaranja: 4. april 2017
- Contract Notice .pdf03/02/2017
- Tender Dossier (please see Contract Notice, Article 18, how to obtain Volume 5).zip03/02/2017
- Minutes of the site visit (NP).zip24/02/2017
- Minutes of the site visit (VR).zip01/03/2017
- Clarifications No 1.docx15/03/2017
- Clarifications No 2.pdf24/03/2017
- Award Notice.pdf27/06/2017